PERFORMANCE PICKLEBALL is the Exclusive distributor of Picklin' in Singapore & Malaysia.
Looking for a way to improve one of the most important aspects of your game or just play Pickleball any time, any place? Look no further than The Dink Net™! This innovative product is designed to be your go-to practice net, providing you with a small and portable solution perfect for sharpening your dink game in almost any setting!
Designed with a 5 foot width, The Dink Net™ is the perfect size to make your practice sessions portable. This game changing net not only transports your play to unexplored places but also accomplishes it with a feather-light design and hassle-free assembly, requiring less than 60 seconds to set up!
The Dink Net™ is designed for all weather and made with durable, long lasting materials.
[Key Benefits]
- Improve your dink game: The Dink Net™ is specifically designed for improving your dinks and volleys by limiting the net width to only 5 feet. This forces you to focus on your shots to a more targeted area.
- Revolutionise your practice: We hated how limited our options were to just get some real life shots in. All the portable nets on the market we're too big and difficult to set up. With The Dink Net™, you're able to practice your skills one-on-one in virtually any location.
- Get better anywhere: In the comfort of your home, your backyard, on the beach or even waiting for the next game, we want you to be able to work on your skills from anywhere. With a partner or against a wall, you can truly get better anywhere.
- Set up and store in under 60 seconds: That's right! With The Dink Net's™ compact design, it's setup and breakdown are incredibly fast and easy to do. You'll be up and playing in no time, and when it's time to pack it in The Dink Net™ will store neatly in super small spaces.
- Become an expert faster: Part of what makes a great player is repetition. The Dink Net is the ultimate muscle memory training aid! With it’s compact design and ability to play anywhere, the amount of shots you can hit are endless!